Monday, June 15, 2015

Selma 2015

We watch Selma in class, it was a great experince to watch  because we are dealing with the same crimes today just in a  different way. America is dealing with police officers shooting unamerd people. We have three big cases just in 2015 alone. We have the Mike Brown, Walter Scott, and Freddie Gray. Mike Brown was from Ferguson, Missouri. He was 18 years old black man. He was killed by Dareen Wilson, who an officer. Darren Wilson wasa charged with the crime and he got away with it. Mike Brown was unarmed. Walter Scott was from North Charleston, South Carolina. He was pulled over for a non functiong brake light. Walter got out the car becuase he was behind in child support. He rand from the police. He was killed but Micheal Slager.Micheal Slager was charged with the crime andhe still  under investigation. Freddie Grey was 25 years old who was arrested by Balitmore Police Department for possessing what the police alleged was an illegal switchblade. He was killed in police custody.  Six Baltimore police offocers are under investion.
Each  event has had serval marches by different civil right leaders. Each states had to call for help becuase there was riots for everyone but North Charleston. I was shocked about North Charleston I had a feeling that it was going to be riots but it was very calm there. Baltimore and Ferguson had the worst one. The National Guard was there. The two cities had to be on the streets by a certian time just to keep peace. Baltimore and Ferguson burned down parts of their cities. I don't understand why. I know they was mad but that is not right to burn people stuff that they worked hard for.

Selma went the same thing. They riots and marches as well.  The main thing in Selma, the Black American just want to be treated equally. They just wanted to vote. The Whites didn't want them vote, they didn't want things to change. Selma was scared to move forward.
 Now we are dealing with same thing just in different way. We are moving backward in time.

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