Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Sex and Gender

We had a big class discussion on sex and gender. It lasted for couple of days. We talk about the different sex meaning if you are a female or a male and the gender. The big topic was gender. We have a lot people that are changing their gender meaning if they were born a women and now they are changing to a man  or a  woman changing into the man.  They are even doing the surgery so that they can get change.  The surgery is a lot of money, so some are taking testosterone.  We watch a YouTube video on a young woman who wanted to be a man. He had his parents behind 100 percent. He did the change. The last clip we watch of him, he had a deep voice and loss his boobs. He said he is going to continue to take his medicine.

The next big topic was Bruce Jenner, who has change to Caitlyn Jenner. Bruce has always wanted to be a women. He was was married twice. The first marriage was over because he told his wife that he wanted to be a woman and the first couldn't deal with it. The second marriage was to Kris Jenner and she was dealing with it. I think she was dealing with it because of the money. Bruce Jenner took medicine. Bruce decided to do the surgery. He now going by Caitlyn Jenner. He is enjoying being a women.

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