Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Sex and Gender

We had a big class discussion on sex and gender. It lasted for couple of days. We talk about the different sex meaning if you are a female or a male and the gender. The big topic was gender. We have a lot people that are changing their gender meaning if they were born a women and now they are changing to a man  or a  woman changing into the man.  They are even doing the surgery so that they can get change.  The surgery is a lot of money, so some are taking testosterone.  We watch a YouTube video on a young woman who wanted to be a man. He had his parents behind 100 percent. He did the change. The last clip we watch of him, he had a deep voice and loss his boobs. He said he is going to continue to take his medicine.

The next big topic was Bruce Jenner, who has change to Caitlyn Jenner. Bruce has always wanted to be a women. He was was married twice. The first marriage was over because he told his wife that he wanted to be a woman and the first couldn't deal with it. The second marriage was to Kris Jenner and she was dealing with it. I think she was dealing with it because of the money. Bruce Jenner took medicine. Bruce decided to do the surgery. He now going by Caitlyn Jenner. He is enjoying being a women.

Solving Social Problems

We talked about a lot different  social problems in class. We talk about the health care in the America. As being an American we have the worst health care ever. We have to pay for everything at high cost. Sometimes we might get turned away because we don't have insurance. I don't think no one should get turned away form anything.  I think we should just have payment plan so we can get what we need.
The next problem was homeless. This topic really got to me because I see it everyday. A couple of weeks ago I was at the park walking around and I saw so many homeless people. They are living in the park and trying to make ends but they are not doing good at it.  I wish we could start different programs so that we can get them off the streets.  I want them to open more homeless shelters because the ones we have get full pretty fast and the ones that don't make it in time have to sleep in the streets.
The last big topic that got to me was Police shooting.  This the biggest thing in the America right now . We have police shooting Innocent people for no reason and the police are getting away with it.  The family members of the victims should get justice for the crimes. The only police is paying the time is in the Walter Scott case. He was going to jail. The police couldn't find a lawyer to repsent him.

Those was the three biggest topics that I liked in class. We did a lot of dicussing on the topics.

Equal pay for Equal work

A problem for my choosing is Equal pay for Equal work. I have been dealing with this on my job and so are other people. This a good topic that we should have talk about in class because it big dealing in the world right now. Equal pay for Equal works means to me, that minimum wage should go up to at least ten dollars or more. The people that are getting paid minimum wage do a lot of work just for a simple pay. For example fast food workers  do a lot work for a simple pay of 7.25. I think they should get paid more because they deal with . They get told off by different people for no reason, they barley get hours, and they are trying to make ends meet just like everyone else.  If they went up on the wage the people would feel better about going to work everyday.

I work for the government , I think we should get paid more. We do a lot of work and for a little pay. I understand that they we are working for the government, we get same treatment as being in the Army without the training that the Army gets.

Another job that should get better pay are teachers.  They have to put with a lot of stress. They are dealing with all types of kids and parents. Teachers have summers off and they are not getting paid unless they are teaching summer school.  The ones who are not teaching summer school are trying to figure out how to make ends meet. I think the teachers should get paid in the summer not matter if they are not working or not.



http://cbt.cc/UserFiles/image/religious.jpgWe had a good discussion about religion in class. I didn't know that there was a lot of different religion in the world. I just knew about the basic religion. I was always thought the same bible story that from when I was a child. I was also always thought that you go to church every Sunday and pay your tithe. The pastor also said "When you pay your tithe you will get blessed by God". Which I believe is true. I attend church  most Sunday's and I pay my tithe when I go. When I pay them I feel a blessing from the God. Also growing up in church I became involved with the youth program. I would teach children church to the preschoolers. My preschoolers would love coming to class and learning new things but I think they just like the snacks that would get every Sunday Also being Sunday's School teacher you have to have a great understanding of the bible or the religion if you don't understand the children that you are teaching will be as lost as you are. I had to do a lot of studying on the word and ask the pastor a lot of questions  on a daily bases.  After talking to the pastor I got a better understanding of the bible and felt better about teaching children.

http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51mGiYaPfqL._SY300_.jpgWe watch a movie on Religion called Religulous. I really didn't care for the movie. The main star of the movie was Bill Maher. He was telling you are all religion was wrong . He would ask different people what their religion was and what did they believe in it. He was asking the pastor why did they peach on different topics. One pastor said "That is what God told him to talk about, so that is what he peach on.  If I had to watch that movie again I would not watch because I didn't like the fact that he was judging people. http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Film/Pix/pictures/2008/10/21/2religulous460.jpghttp://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9rj90np3j1qbalfwo2_500.gif Scene form the movie

http://i.ytimg.com/vi/JGM_0CP91S0/hqdefault.jpg My Church

http://mcgbc.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/KIDS_ON_MISSION_LOGO.png Young of the Feature https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/af/8a/90/af8a908a8d2f2b3f2cd0d9c9c1a65f8a.jpghttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/f3/04/5d/f3045db79952a273adfbc9329434c6f4.jpgMy favorite picutres

 Bill Mahar http://dailycaller.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/HRL_EventImage_BillMaher.jpg


Dealing with healthy Eating is hard America. I say this because there is so much good junk food. I love to eat junk food. The junk food is so yummy. It is easier to get to junk food or unhealthy food faster then healthy food.  When you go to store, the first thing you see is the junk food.  For example  When walking into Walmart you are walking by sodas, wine , and Chips That is the main selling in the store.  If you keep walking you will get to the healthy stuff and walk right by it. They need to do better advertisement, so we can go that section of the store. I know when I am shopping I have the time don't know where the healthy foods are. I always have to ask someone in the store. I know the store workers laugh at me because I don't know where nothing is.

During our class time we watch a movie called Fed Up. It was about how younger people eat and eat and eat and gain all this weight that they can't get off of them. They try working out and doing different activities so that they can get the weight but nothing seems to work.  One little girl in the movie really got to me . She was eating healthy and doing extra activities but she could not get the weight off at all. She had to realize that she that she had to change her way of eating. After changing things around she started loosing weight. She was so happy.  After watching that I thought about changing my ways  around.  I feel better about my self.


When eating healthy you have to spend a lot of money because it cost a lot to eat healthy. I know when I went go get some grapes for the store they cost me over $3.00. I was so mad because I could have went and got some junk food instead of healthy foods. 


Monday, June 15, 2015

Selma 2015

We watch Selma in class, it was a great experince to watch  because we are dealing with the same crimes today just in a  different way. America is dealing with police officers shooting unamerd people. We have three big cases just in 2015 alone. We have the Mike Brown, Walter Scott, and Freddie Gray. Mike Brown was from Ferguson, Missouri. He was 18 years old black man. He was killed by Dareen Wilson, who an officer. Darren Wilson wasa charged with the crime and he got away with it. Mike Brown was unarmed. Walter Scott was from North Charleston, South Carolina. He was pulled over for a non functiong brake light. Walter got out the car becuase he was behind in child support. He rand from the police. He was killed but Micheal Slager.Micheal Slager was charged with the crime andhe still  under investigation. Freddie Grey was 25 years old who was arrested by Balitmore Police Department for possessing what the police alleged was an illegal switchblade. He was killed in police custody.  Six Baltimore police offocers are under investion.
Each  event has had serval marches by different civil right leaders. Each states had to call for help becuase there was riots for everyone but North Charleston. I was shocked about North Charleston I had a feeling that it was going to be riots but it was very calm there. Baltimore and Ferguson had the worst one. The National Guard was there. The two cities had to be on the streets by a certian time just to keep peace. Baltimore and Ferguson burned down parts of their cities. I don't understand why. I know they was mad but that is not right to burn people stuff that they worked hard for.

Selma went the same thing. They riots and marches as well.  The main thing in Selma, the Black American just want to be treated equally. They just wanted to vote. The Whites didn't want them vote, they didn't want things to change. Selma was scared to move forward.
 Now we are dealing with same thing just in different way. We are moving backward in time.